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Monday, March 14, 2011


Rhodes, September 29th 2007


Recent developments in the area of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
cause great concern. To the continuous struggle in Iraq, war cries and threats for a
nuclear strike are added, because of the Iranian government’s insistence on
developing a nuclear program. The publicly confessed possession of nuclear weapons
by Israel creates the conditions for proliferation of nuclear weapons in the wider area.
Furthermore, an effort for the return of nuclear energy is taking place, under the
pretext of countermeasures against global warming and climate changes phenomena.
Many countries in the region express, more or less openly, the will to choose the way
of installation of nuclear stations in order to solve their energy problems. Definitely a
wrong way, a way of high risks, a dead-end.
The most effective way of dealing with the nuclear threat is, above all, a matter of the
citizens’ will and reaction.
One of the basic conclusions of the International Symposium – held in Rhodes, on
May 12-13, 2006, with the subject “We have the right to live in a Nuclear-Free
world”, with the participation of lecturers from 8 European countries and USA – was  that the Anti-Nuclear Movement has the obligation to organize its reaction to the
nuclear threat and direct its actions to make that cause effective.
Taking the aforementioned into account, the following protocol is signed:
Article 1
An International Network of Unions and Organizations (henceforth “the Network”) is
founded, consisting of unions or organizations, located and acting in countries
around/of the Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Black Sea and Middle East, under the
general title “Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood”.
The Network’s headquarters are located in Rhodes, Greece

The official language of the Network is English, in which the Network publishes its
positions and in which all official procedures take place.
Article 2
Purposes of the Network are:
- The communication, cooperation and coordination of all the participating
organizations, in order to make the actions undertaken against the nuclear threat
stronger and more effective.
- The monitoring and publishing of all recent developments in the fields of nuclear
weapons, nuclear power reactors and generally any sector of industrial nuclear
- The information, sensitization and motivation of citizens towards the substantive
cause of the abolition of the nuclear threat against Life, Peace and the Environment.
- The promotion of the Renewable and Environment-friendly Sources of Energy and
the institution of measures for energy preservation, along with the energy saving with
the formation of new consumer standards, matters strongly connected to the future of
the planet and humanity.

- The transformation of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Balkans and the
Middle East into a Zone free from nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.
And generally:
- The conservation of the high ideals of Life and Peace, the protection of the
Environment and the Ecological Balance of the Planet, as necessary requirements for
the quality of life for the current generation and the generations to come.

Article 3
Means for the accomplishment of the Network’s purposes:
- The creation of a website, under the responsibility of the Secretariat of the Network,
as a place of opinion exchange, policy configuration and continuous contact among
the members of the Network and the world community.
- The interventions, announcements, protests, signed petitions, information
campaigns, publications, etc.
- The organization and realization of events, lectures, seminars, educational programs,
meetings, conferences, festivals, etc.
- Any other means judged necessary for the accomplishment of the Network’s
purposes, always within the frameworks of Transparency, Democracy and according
to International Law and Practice, principles governing the nature of the Network.

Article 4
Members of the Network
Member of the Network can be any local, regional or national organization,
movement, union, or network fulfilling the following conditions:
1. It acts within the borders of any country of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the
Balkans or the Middle East and agrees with the aforementioned purposes and means,
and generally all those described within this Protocol.

2. It includes in its constitutional causes and/or demonstrates through its actions
opposition to the use of any form of nuclear energy.
For an NGO to become a member of the Network, apart from the constituting
members, the NGO has to apply for membership to the Secretariat, the application
being accompanied by its constitution and a description of its actions over the last
years. The Secretariat rules on the application with a 2/3 majority.
Article 5
Network Organs
The Organs of the Network are:
• the Plenary Session
• the Secretariat
• the Executive Secretariat

 Plenary Session:

The Network’s Plenary Session takes place once a year, in a different country each
time, with the participation of delegates from all its member-organizations. The
Agenda of the Plenary Session is set by the Secretariat. Additional topics to the
Agenda may be added by the delegates.
During the Plenary Session, workgroups are formed, with the participation of certain
groups of delegates, as established by the Secretariat, after debate with the memberorganizations.
Special guests of the Network may attend the workgroups.
Finally, the last day of the Session, the conclusions of each workgroup are introduced
to the Plenary participants for approval.

In any case and in order for a workgroup resolution to be included in the final
conclusions of the Plenary Session, the resolution must be approved by the Plenary by
2/3 majority.
At the end of each Plenary Session, the next Plenary host is selected by the members
with a simple majority.

The hosting member-organization, with the cooperation of other members and with
the support of the Secretariat, ensures the best possible outcome of the Plenary
Session procedures and the facilitation of the accommodation for all participants. The
expenses for the transportation and accommodation of the delegates are provided by
the member-organizations they represent.

The Secretariat composes of a delegate and a substitute delegate from each country
with NGOs participating in the Network. The delegates of each country are
recommended to the plenary by this country’s member-organizations.

  The Secretariat operates between two Plenary Sessions. It has the responsibility of
informing and coordinating the member-organizations of the Network, maintaining
the website of the Network and the responsibility of the practice of the Plenary’s
decisions. The Secretariat rules with a 2/3 majority on matters arising between two
Plenary sessions.

Executive Secretariat:

The Executive Secretariat is the coordinating and introductory organ of the Secretariat
and is composed of the delegate of the country to host the next Plenary and the two
delegates of the countries that hosted the last two. In case the Plenary is hosted in the
same country as one of the previous two, the third member of the Executive
Secretariat is elected among the delegates of the Secretariat. The Executive Secretariat
rules and release announcements, in emergency, under consensus.

Article 6
Network’s funds
The Network’s funds originate from member-organizations. The funds cover the cost
of the design and maintenance of the Network’s website, along with the costs of the
secretarial support of its organs. The funds are managed by the Secretariat, which also
defines the amount of each of the member-organizations contribution.

Momentary Provisions for the First Plenary
The first Session of the Plenary took place in Rhodes, September 27th to 29th, during
the 2nd International Anti-Nuclear Festival of Rhodes (September 25-29, 2007).
The Protocol of Cooperation has been ratified and signed during this First Session, as
concluded after cooperation among the NGOs participated and are considered as its
constituting members. The constituting members and the representatives signing the
Protocol, are:

Mediterranean Anti Nuclear Watch, Greece
Represented by Mr. Thanassis Anapolitanos, President of the Board

Greek Medical Association against Nuclear and Biochemical Threat, Greek
Affiliate of IPPNW, Greece
Represented by Mrs. Maria Arvaniti Sotiropoulou, President of the Board

ECOTOPIA - Environmental Research and Awareness Society, Greece
Represented by Mr. Mihalis Promponas and Mr. Giannis Shizas

Eco - Corfu, Greece

Foundation for Environment and Agriculture, Bulgaria
Represented by Mrs. Albena Simeonova, President of the Board
Ecologists - Environmentalists Movement of Cyprus, Cyprus
Represented by Mrs. Chrisemily Psilogeni, Secretary on International Relations

Ecoclub, Ukraine
Represented by Mr. Andriy Martynyuk, President of the Board

Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, France
Represented by Mr. André Lariviére, Responsible on International Relations

Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free from Atomic Biological and Chemical
Weapons, Israel
Represented by Mr. Yehuda Atai and Mr. Gideon Spiro

EUROSOLAR, Turkey - The European Association for Renewable Energy
Represented by Mrs. Isil Uyar

ATTAC-Hellas, Greece
Represented by Mr. Wayne Hall

Anti Nuclear Platform of Izmir, Turkey
Represented by Mr. Metin Erten

Turkish Greens, Turkey
Represented by Mrs. Bilge Contepe, General Spokesman

Monitor of International Organisations and Globalization, Greece
Represented by Mrs. Maria Arvaniti Sotiropoulou, Secretary General

Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN), France

ECOGNOSIA-Environmental Research and Information Center, Cyprus
Represented by Mr. Kostas Papastavros

Group of Scientists and Technicians for a Non Nuclear Future, Spain
The Greens-Green Alternative, Spain

Green Justice Association, Bulgaria
Represented by Mr. Pepo Petrov, Member of the Board

Friends of Science, Culture and Art Association, Istanbul, Turkey
Represented by Mrs. Isil Uyar

Rhodes, 06/03/2008
His Excellency Demetris Christofias
President of the Republic of Cyprus
Your Excellency,
On behalf of the international network “Mediterranean No Nuclear
Neighborhood” (in short MN3 Network) we wish to congratulate you for your
election to the highest position in the Republic of Cyprus and to wish you success
with your task.

The MN3 Network was founded in Rhodes Island in September 2007 by 20
organisations from 8 countries of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the
Balkans. Two international meetings had precede this event, in May 2005 in order
to obstruct the construction of new nuclear power plants and in May 2006 under
the title “we have the right to live in a nuclear free world”, with the participation
of scientists and representatives of organisations from 8 countries from Europe
and the USA.
The MN3 Network´s main objective is to establish the Mediterranean and the
Middle East as a peace zone, without nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass
destruction. This objective does not concern only nuclear weapons but also the so
called “peaceful” use of nuclear energy”.

In the last years there is an increased interest in the promotion of nuclear
energy. The powers that be in the world, taking advantage of the time lapse from
the disaster in Chernobyl and renewed concern about climate change and high oil
prices, are planning a comeback for nuclear energy, creating a dangerous
environment and political dependence. Recently many governments in the region
have declared the construction or the intent to construct, nuclear power plants:
Bulgaria, Rumania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Egypt,
Jordan and others. Turkey has already declared a bid for the construction of it’s
first nuclear power plant in Akkuyu, on the coast right across Cyprus, an intention
that had initially created great opposition in the 1990’s, leading to the initial
abandonment of any such plan in the year 2000. .
And of course we do bear in mind the nuclear program of Iran, for which the
USA and their allies, with apparent hypocrisy, are trying to convince us that it is
the only dangerous such program, but also Israel, the only country in the area   which has not signed the Non Proliferation Treaty (DEF) and does not allow the
entrance of international inspectors on its lands.
These plans, if no immediate initiatives are undertaken, will create a tight
situation and consist of a major threat for the Environment, Life and Peace in the
entire planet.
The MN3 Network, taking into consideration the unsolved problems of nuclear
waste disposal, the limited technological experience and financial resources and
the real risk of a nuclear accident, acknowledges that the intention of several
countries to install nuclear power plants in this highly flammable area is suicidal.
The risk of such intentions is even more enhanced due to the very thin line that
crosses the peaceful use and the military utilisation of nuclear power, as well as
the danger of a blind terrorist attack, especially under current circumstances,
which from a geopolitical point of view are characterised by fragility and

Nuclear energy is neither cheap nor safe or friendly for the environment. It is
not a solution. It is yet another problem. The only guaranteed solution is the
undertaking of measure to save energy consumption and the development of
renewable sources of energy, which our blessed region has in abundance.
Your Excellency,
We strongly doubt the right of any country to decide to construct nuclear
power plants. It cannot be the right of any country to jeopardise the future and
to decide on the health and life of the citizens of another country.
We believe that the governments of countries that decide to construct
nuclear power plants undertake a huge risk and responsibility. But responsibilities
are undertaken also by those who could alter such decisions and choose to do
nothing. That is why we intently ask for political initiatives at an international
level and in the concept of good neighbouring relations.

Your Excellency,
We call upon you with the event of your resuming your new high
responsibilities and look forward to the undertaking of initiatives that will keep
nuclear threat at bay and will bring a vision of a Mediterranean and Middle East
nuclear free closer. Political initiatives which will give hope for sustainable
development, without the threat of war, without fear of ecological disasters and
human holocausts.

The MN3 Network once more wishes you success in your responsibilities and
is at your disposal for any further information and cooperation in the issues we
have displayed.
Sincerely yours,
The executive Secretariat of the Mediterranean No Nuclear Neighbourhood-MN3 Network

Thanassis Anapolitanos Yehuda Atai Chrysaimili Psilogeni
anapolitanos@manw.org yatai@olam-hatanach.co.il chrisemily@gmail.com




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